Saturday, August 1, 2009

Fairwell Mouse!

My dearest Pixels I have unfortunate news!
Today the last of six Fancy mice has finally passed away, her name was Lona'.
She lived a good and privileged life despite the fact it was mostly spent in a cage...
But hey boy, it was a large cage... with a large price (I may add). Populated by many other mice. She was white, as were three other mice, so by the time she was the only mouse left I just started calling her Lona' (get it?) cause I couldn't tell which mouse she originally was. I had these mice for a span of about four and a half years!

I now present to you my pet mouse obituaries, enjoy:
  • Short Round
  • The only brown mouse, she was one of the three originals first brought to our room and quickly became the family favorite. She was easily the smartest and cutest mouse of the bunch. She had a penchant for hording food and on any given hour of the day you could find her running on the little treadmill. It was really sad to see Short Round leave us.
  • DOD: May 2009
  • COD: old age
  • Cleo
  • The black bitchy mouse. She unfortunately had an untimely grisly death which was the result of neglect by my brother and me being sick all weekend in bed. I assume what happened was the other mice starving, ganged up on her, killed her, and then ate her, grisly right!? I made sure from that day on that I would give them ample food whenever I knew would be having a busy or taxing weekend.
  • DOD: 2005
  • COD: Cannibalization
  • Stinky
  • The only white mouse with a distinguishable marking, a bent tail. She was one of the three original mice in our room, unlike the other mice she wasn't a gift she was found by my mother running around at one of her centers. When she brought her to our room, Stinky's little cage smelled pretty pungent which is sadly how she acquired her name. She was kinda batty and had a droll habit of running in circles non stop.
  • DOD: Early 2009
  • COD: Sick/Old Age
NOTE: The rest that follow were all Albino mice and it was hard telling them apart except for Stinky. So with that being said the exact dates of death of these mice is hard to determine:
  • Rewind
  • She was also one of the original 3 mice brought to our room and also the very first white mouse before Stinky showed up. Rewind and Short Round quickly became buddies, they were always seen paling around with each other. Rewind, unlike the other mice had the strongest tendency to build nests, she would tear and shred paper that was tossed in their cage, she would also reach through the bars of the cage to pull outside things in (like clothing, papers, photos, rags, etc) and would use the pieces to build nests. When I was done cleaning their cage, Rewind was usually the first mouse to start pushing around bedding and taking apart cardboard rolls to create a new nest.
  • DOD: 2008/2009?
  • COD: Old Age
  • Betty
  • Was the largest mouse when she was first introduced to our cage but gradually shrunk down to the size of the rest of the mice.
  • DOD: 2008/2009?
  • COD: Old Age
  • Wilma
  • I'm actually not sure what this mouse's name was (I didn't name her). She was nearly identical in appearance to Rewind which made telling them apart the most difficult. This was just the peak of the iceberg, identity became really thorny when Betty finally shrunk to everyone's size.
  • DOD: 2008/2009?
  • COD: Old Age
Here are some super adorable photos I took (circa 2005) of the three original mice Short Round, Stinky, and Rewind before the last three showed up:

Short Round
WhiteMouse 1
WhiteMouse 1

Well we had a good run guys. See yah on the other side my furry friends!


Friday, July 31, 2009

Cartoon Me

Oh how self centered I is...
 and yes, he's supposed to be armless.
I wasn't being lazy (this time) I just sorta wanted that "bust" look...
Plus you aren't supposed to see past his sleeves, he's my avatar for sites that need a profile.
Like this one, for instance

Anyways, haven't worked much on that music video thing... need to do more work, pronto!
Right on!


Monday, July 20, 2009

When to know that you've become a fat slob...

When you have to start "rubber banding" your shorts!
Confused? Here's a visual to help you understand my dilemma:

Shiity Rubberband Shorts

Sad days indeed, tsk tsk tsk.
Well I've started a diet today... hopefully I can loose some pounds by the end of august.
Why August? Because my good buddy Mairio (as I call him) has invited me to tag along with him and his brother to Las Vegas! Nice right?
Don't you be hating, pixels!

Anyways, that's the reason for the weight loss... plus it's always good to loose a couple pounds!
My mother has also joined me in my venture, I'm thinking of making us some wristbands (one for my brother Pedro too who's also been dieting) to help us stay motivated. We'll see.

Oh by the way pixels, I'm gonna be making an animation-ish music video (must keep those creative muscles pumped) to Bob Dylan's The Man In Me.
It'll be similar to one I made a couple a years ago, but thanks to my Cintiq it'll be of much higher quality. So hopefully I can get that actually done!


Saturday, July 18, 2009

Such trickery!

I've been hoodwinked!
I've been bamboozled!
I've been Duped!
Oh you sneaky devil you!
That was good...
That was very good, old friend.
Now I must be more alert... yes.
Yes, indeed.


Thursday, July 16, 2009

Life is like a mold of Jell-O

I totally missed the month of June! How about that?
Well pixels, don't think I was living the high life this whole time... just more petty depression and procrastination. Pretty pitiful really.
I originally started this blog as a way to keep myself busy but... well, easier said then done.
It's easy to blame these emotions and this current venomous condition on my JOB situation or lack there off.
Feels like my life is going nowhere real fast. My birthday was last month pixels, I turned 24, I'm now officially in my mid 20s and still don't have a driver's license, still don't have a job, and still don't have FORM to my shapeless and meaningless life.

Imagine pixels (if you will), my life like a candy apple red colored jello just siting precariously out in the lush summer sun. It [my life] has shape, it has density, it's plump and hearty. But now that unforgiving sun has melted my life into a despicable puddle of red flat liquid. That sugary dull puddle is how I feel right now... and any longer I'm gonna dry up and have my flakes taken away with the wind.

Wow that was grim...
Well, on the bright side though my mother got me a Cintiq for my birthday (plus invited my friends over... cause I didn't feel the need to have them over... oh her!). The Cintiq is something I wanted to buy for many years, It was my dream project, that special item that I would buy when I had earned enough money. My mother though I needed one earlier. Shes too good for me pixels, I love her so much. It really is a great gift and art tool (I still have to get used to seeing it in my room).

So hopefully, I will be posting pieces of art done through the magic of my Cintiq in the future.


(FYI, see that white glove in the left corner of the picture? It's a beauty glove I bought because my fucking left hand is so damn sweaty! Don't laugh!)

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Sketch Of Said Alien

Here is the sketch of the Alien I painted below. It's actually only a couple of inches big in real life, but I blew it up for representation purposes!
Cheers my dear Pixels!

Procrastinations and Aliens

So uh, wow it's been more than a month since I have promised to update this place...
My sincerest apologies dear pixels!
Well that's what happens when distractions, porn addiction, and just flat out procrastination takes hold of your life... with an iron vice, shit.

I wasn't up to much. I did play a new game: Prey (which I bought before playing because I knew I would love it). Very good game guys, I will say that this a must for gamers who love their FPS single player games rich and frothy. Great art, great story, great pacing, and genius game design.
Imagine if you will - Super Mario Galaxy, Portal, and Duke Nukem all mixed into one great kick ass game!

Too bad pixels can't play games. pity. well, moving on!

I haven't been all that lazy though... actually, I have been EXTREMELY lazy...
BUT! Just this week I have started a painting (digital of course) of a Miyowi, an alien species of my own design with some elements ripped off from Spawn and Duke Nukem 3D.
I just finished about an hour ago, so with out further ado (and mostly because I can't really think of anything else worth saying) here's my beast (just his head of course... leave me alone):

Not the world's best painting I know, but it's not half bad, right?
You be the judge dear Pixels!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


sorry pixels, but this blog is currently under construction'
hopefully I will have something really cool in the end


About that lizard post and Fredrick!

Wow, that lizard post... talk about long winded and hard to read... yikes.

I apologize pixels, didn't mean to bore you to tears... that's if you guys were capable of human emotion of course. Right.

Anyways, thinking about going back to school again but for medical training, it lasts for 9 months... BIG decision.
How say you pixels? How say you lord†?

Hopefully I can figure this out.

Lets move on shall we? Yes we will, my dear pixels.
Here's a picture I sketched back in October '08 as a self promotion for this bohemian science fair in San Francisco... I never made it there cause I ended up getting a real job in San Fran!
Anyways, It's actually part of some other "science" themed animal pictures I did.
This one in particular is my favorite because it can depict two things:
A) A nurse (Lady) to a mad scientist flirts with the monster (Frederick) or
B) The mad scientist flirts with her creation.
which ever you find most appealing!

So I have provided the painted version and the original scan, just for comparison.
By the way I painted the smoke from his cigarette but I left it out for aesthetic reasons.

Frederick and Lady_paintedFrederick and Lady_scan

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Okay so... one more!

Hooda Laali!
I'm just posting just one more for today...
Not like it matters... the Blogger servers and the pixels on my Flatron are the only ones who are actually viewing my art.

*mimics pistol to head*

Here's some more concept art for one of my brother's short films. It was actually for the same project that I made the ApocBeast for.

Enjoy corporate servers and pixels!

Male Freedom Fighter

BORED with Jiffy and Fran

I'm so ferociously bored it actually makes me physically ill!


I'm no neurosurgeon but I'm pretty sure the neurons in my brain have stopped firing off...

I think I might legally be a zombie, this could be a good thing though! Perhaps I don't have to pay taxes!? We'll see.

Anyways, here's a cheap colored drawing I did of one of my favorite characters, Jiffy (plus his transvestite girlfriend, Fran)

Saturday, April 4, 2009

NES Swabing Accident

So for many a year I have noticed that there was some black sticky glue like residue underneath my NES (That's the Nintendo Entertainment System to the laymen) specifically near that plastic plate thing (that can detached). So I busted out an old tooth brush, a bottle of Goo Gone, Windex, and a Vacuum (for the dust under the plate) then had at it. The battle was - a success! But...

I noticed that the small hinged door in the front of my NES was slightly yellow... I was really hoping it wasn't sun bleached. So since I was already doing general maintenance to the NES, I figured I rub off what ever that stuff was with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol.

Well as my luck would have it, I accidentally rubbed the beginning of the red logo right off! FUDGE! (gave cursing up for Lent... so pardon my non french). So I rubbed the rest of the logo off to make it look even. Might as well, right?

My nerd senses started tingling... in agitation. I just stared at the stupid mistake with sympathy. Oh well, at least the system still works...
sort of.

NES Swabing Acident

Friday, April 3, 2009

The Funk

That's what I call this dreadful dirge of a mood.
Some days (and nights) my slight depression, extreme loneliness, and my self loathing fuse into a poisonous cocktail... and it creates this.
This ridiculous and pitiful frame that I often wonder into, it's sicking and mind numbing.
I hate myself more for even... being here.

I can feel that lump in my throat... like I want to cry.
I can feel that pressure in my chest... like I want to yell.
I can feel my brain subtract... and that's when the will to live becomes much more clear.

Fortunately (or is it unfortunately?) I'm a very pious man...and for the most part too shrewd.
And I cant stand the thought of never seeing my Brothers and Mother again.
It would be selfish. It would be stupid.

But good lord. I feel so loathsome and useless, I'd rather live the life of a snail then carry on as this train wreck of a human being. I just want to be gone and never be remembered... as not to upset the people I have known.

This funk. It's selfish.
I hate who I have become in recent years.
I wish I was somebody else.
I just fantasize about being off in the heavens flying past the cosmos and to see his splendor.
Having the cool wind splash my face. My body and mind finally feeling liberated and free.

But Instead I'm here.
Wasting resources, being a nuisance, being lame.
I just need to sleep it off.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Apoc-Beast

My brother is currently working on a short film project and had asked me if I could draw him a beast for a background. The idea for the beast... well actually, let me start with his short film premise, it's about the apocalypse and a girl does some looting on a poor dead dude who just baught it from some crazy zombie. The short ends with a "Road Warrior" shot with the girl just looking at the camera as it pulls.. or was it pushes away? well, whatever the cameras doing in the back round you would see two things: a giant destroyed radar dish and the ancient remains of some super creature! pretty neat, right? right.

Ive done the super beast first.

By the way my brother has yet to receive his film from the development lab in LA.
So my beast has no home except for a white backdrop...

Ingredients: Photoshop, Nigersaurus bones photo, ram horns photo, dunkleosteus skull photo.
stir until simmers, serve over 16mm film.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Fly

No not the movie from the 80's, rather a disgusting hairy fly that woke me up at the crack of noon.
It kept banging up against the friggin window, pretty hard too sounded like some one was tapping at the window... which is why I woke up in the first place, duh. I've had compacted arse full of flies thanks to my summer trips to Mexico. Anywho to make a long story short - because of my extreme level of unemployment I put the fly in a dixie cup and then positioned him/her right in front of my left PC speaker and then played him... or her good doses of rock music... and maybe some Balkan beats too.

Well surprise! I woke up this morning to find him dead under the cup. huh, wow. I guess flies do live for only 24 hours.

man I need work.


The Lizard

Last Saturday afternoon was a very important time for me, it was a time for me to shed my claustrophobic cabin fever ridden clothing and get into some nice slacks and a swanky dress shirt. There was a Wedding at 1, but I let my mother run over to that, women find that whole part very amusing. Men like me( for the most part) don't. I'll Tell what I was looking forward to though... the reception. Oh yes. Lots of good food. Lots of beer. Lots of good Family (especially cute cousins).

So as I check out my self out in the mirror for the 28Th time I hear my cat Meché howling, not meowing, but more of a howl... If I could call it that - if a cat could howl it would have sounded like that. So I head on over to her with the intention to shut her up- perhaps with a swift yet gentle kick to the bum. But I soon discover that that she had caught her self a critter right beside the brick steps. I couldn't tell what "it" was. The poor thing had lodged itself under this old soccer ball that my dog Gia had been ferociously trying to rip apart. I grabbed one of them garbage-picker-uppers. I'm not what their called, but it's that aluminum pole with a plastic handle and trigger at one end then at the other it sports a very scary looking claw, the city usually arms jailed cholos with them along side of the highways. Well either way I use that to move the ball over, oh by the way, I used that aluminum claw not because I was scared of the thing but I didn't want to get myself cover in cobwebs and other nasty things that would harsh my dandy attire.

I moved the ball, there lying in the dirt impression was a little lizard. It didn't move it didn't even flinch it just stared up at me with it's little gold reptilian eyes. I shooed away the cats (by now most our cats had crowded around to see what Meché was... howling about). i use the garbage grabber to bring the little guy over to me. I put him in my hand and he seemed relieved to be away from the cat. He looked directly at me with his wedge shaped head and then put it back on my palm. Don't worry little dude. I put him a plastic container with bedding and a warming rock (the rock was from a previous reptilian pet from the 90's).

The notion to keep him or her as a pet briefly crossed my mind, so I Googled him to see what kind of lizard he was.

Search: Lizards native California San Jose

I soon discover it's an Alligator Lizard. Okay that's cool but what as a pet?

Search: Alligator Lizard Pet

Alright, I find out that this lizard makes a pretty good pet, BUT, the care for it is astonishingly complicated and expensive. Sorry lizard, no can do. It didn't really matter to me because By now I was feeling pretty sad for it. He just kept looking at me with such a sad look of empathy as if saying "that's great you saved me from the cat but now you want me as a pet haven't I endured enough?"

So a day later (it was raining most of Sunday so I decided to cut him loose on a more sunny day) I released him to the wild and by "the wild" I mean near our shed. I don't know but every time I come across lizards in San Jose they always seem to be near sheds, what gives? Anywho the poor little guy seemed pretty happy to be free again (I made sure there were no cats or dogs around). He just timidly crawled out of the plastic box on to the fence and just stared at me as I walked away. I came back later to see if I could spot him around. Nope. As if anyways right? Like that thing would be happy to see me like some dog waiting for it's master to come home from work. Well it would have been nice.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

My Feet are cold.

Well here I am. According to my cousin just four days shy of one year. One year of meaningless and jobless stupidity.